
Welcome to my weblog, my personal internet existence on the world wide web. Here I write about things that interest me and that others probably find boring. Mostly this is about computers, sports and other nonsense.


Feel free to contact me and talk about the written word that has been written down or shared here. You can contact me via Keybase, Mastodon or Threema.


This website runs with Jekyll on Github and the design is from Hanju Jamie J.

My setup

Below you will find some information about my IT setup with which I am currently working. Share this information with others is currently IN :-D


I am working with a 13-inch MacBook Air (M1 2020) with 8GB of random access memory and 256GB of memory. It is connected to a 23-inch HP E23 G4 S242HLCBID display and extended by a Logitech MX keys keyboard and a Logitech Mouse MX Master. Now and then I also get my Thinkpad T61 with 4GB memory and 256 SSD from the drawer.

Mobile I’m traveling with an iPhone Xr and an iPad 2019 generation.


The MacBook Air comes with macOS 14.5 under the hood and the T61 runs with Linux Mint. The editor of my choice is VS Codium, Textastic and for markdown I use Typora. My data I move with Transmit or a push with the Sourcetree to Github and Gitlab. For graphics and photos, I use the grandiose Gimp or Pixelmator Pro. Notes and ideas are still flowing into UpNote. For taskmanagement I use the phenomanel Superlist.